Captain’s Log- 18 November 2011-Volcano Eruption in Congo

Nyamulagira Volcano erupted at about 9 pm on November 6 in Virunga National Park. The eruption appears to be on a lower section of the volcano, or in a separate caldera with lava flowing north into a non-populated section of the park.  I love the pillar of smoke rising into the clouds.

It seems there is always something remarkable going on in Congo and now is no exception.  We first got the news from my sister LuAnne Cadd, who is working in the Virunga National Park where this is happening as we speak.  She is living less than 20 kilometers from where the eruption is taking place and was one of the first people to walk in to the site with other parks staff.  I fly this area all the time and am really wishing I was back home right now getting some aerial shots of this.  But in the meantime, enjoy some of Lu’s amazing photography.

Two sections of rangers accompanied Virunga National Park’s security officer, tourism director, and communications officer (my sister Lu),into the site of the spectacular volcano eruption.

Shot from Rumengobo camp where Lu lives on Day 2 of the eruption notice cone size.

Nyamulangira Volcano Eruption-day 11- Now see cone size.

Night View. Catch more great pix on the website by clicking on the Park Logo in the right column.

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8 Responses to Captain’s Log- 18 November 2011-Volcano Eruption in Congo

  1. Pingback: erupting volcano image, images of volcanoes

  2. LuAnne says:

    I just checked the distance of the eruption site (gps coordinates: 29.3065° E / 1.3793°S) to Rumangabo where I live and it’s only about 7.5 km (4.6 miles).

    • jcadd says:

      Wow, very close. I like the map you guys have on your site. I can see that it is more in that gap between Rwanda and Nyangongo Volcano that we fly through when the weather is bad. And the flow is to the north and not to the lake by Goma.

  3. LuAnne says:

    I forgot to put the link to our blog!

  4. LuAnne Cadd says:

    Thanks Jon! For anyone else, if you want to read more about this, go to our blog and read the volcano stories from the last 2 weeks. Or better yet, come visit and hike out to the volcano. It’s 2 am here, and I’ve been woken up from the noise of the volcano about 12 km away!

    • jcadd says:

      Hey Lu, And Cher says I exaggerate. I said it was under 20 in an attempt to not overdo it but that is close! I sure wish I was there to see it up close! Thanks for the great pix Lu. You are the best!

  5. Rick Scott says:

    Outstanding photos to sister LuAnne. THanks so much for sharing. They were forwarded to me by Capt. Dave Gilmer of the San Francisco Bay Area. Rick

    • jcadd says:

      Hey Rick, Thanks for writing in. It is an amazing sight. I agree that first picture could have been on the cover of National Geographic this month for the Africa’s Great Lakes article! Cheers,

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